
Sofia Gayle has over 30 years of experience in the healing arts. 1000 hrs. of training in yoga ,5 years with a guru from India and is in alignment with Irish Celtic teachings as a Bean Feaca, pronounced (Ban Faca)  which means wisdom teacher. This past year, her mother's lineage from County Cork called her to Ireland. It was a pilgrimage of love and reclamation, of connection and soul where her arrival on Samhain, otherwise known as Halloween, on the eve of October 31st, 2024, introduced her to the Cailleach in the land along the Beara peninsula as the Cailleach's head in West Cork and in County Meath her throne initiated her into an alliance. It is with these energies that she works in tandem with wisdom teachings that are channeled and integrated through deep rest and practice.

These services focus on strategies to deal with suicide ideation through holistic practices such as energy healing, shamanic practice, yoga, and programs developed specifically to regain your will power. Sofias focus has been the military, first responders, and professionals in the mainstream who deal with high powered, high stress environments such as criminal law or terminal illness in hospices where they are open to all sorts of energies that only caregivers are exposed to.

The Tree of Life on the home page was chosen as an image to inspire people to know they are not alone. The family tree and many kinds of trees bring resolution when we examine stories of their power. I use narrative tools for healing where a story is always based on belief. It's true that nature heals, in essence beyond the concrete reality of nature lies a world of energy and mystery. Some of this journey is predictable and some of it is unexpected. It is in the unexpected that we heal and in the expected that we integrate in our everyday reality. It is a world where we find a respectful relationship with spirit.


"A story doesn't have to be true to hold power, but the energy around it does."   Sofia Gayle


Tools for healing.

Beginner sessions are a pre- request before acceptance into an advanced program.

Beginner sessions- Journey first with Sofia holding space. A drum and rattle are used to assist in the journey. An intention is set each session for your child shield, teenager shield, and adult shield. Virtual session. $77


                                                            Advanced Programs run once a week for 3 weeks.

AI Yoga -Ascended intelligence yoga program. A specific program to create energetic stability and courage. Email for details.

Working your personal story- A specific program that works your lower self-story and your higher self-story.

In person session- *Sometimes we need someone in real time and real space. Send an email to discuss the possibility of an at home visit. sofiagayle04@gmail 


                                                               Abundance and exchange for services.

                                               All sessions run approximately an hour and 30 minutes.

                                              All prices for Advanced sessions range from $234 to $400 which cover a series of exercises and talks, saving you money but requiring a commitment to the work. 

 Free Talks on Sofia -Solutions are given on YouTube -see contact info to find you tube channel.

Follow me there.

First Talk - What is an ally?

Second talk- "A story doesn't have to be true to hold power but the energy around it does."


 In real time. A Third Talk-Walking your edge (what is push back) This is your chance to ask Questions.

A live talk on YouTube with a surprise gift once a week.




Courage is what gives us heart. It is the alchemy that turns our lives into brilliance. -- Sofia Gayle 




About me

My story is about how I came to work with chronic pain and my solution to the thoughts and feelings of suicidal ideation due to chronic pain. These techniques have evolved from my own experiences as a healer and a "Bean Faeca" (Ban Faca) means a Celtic wise woman who has found a way to share this pathway towards freedom from pain, as pain in any shape or form can feel like a prison but when we see how imprinted our minds can be we find the power to shift our perceptions and our pain.

I have had many experiences in the healing arts and yoga but in 2020, My name Gayle and its persona left, and a new name as a walk in occurred. I heard the name 'Sofia'. This was an upgrade to my spirt, and as new information came forth from my spirit guides, I could not deny something was changing in my experience, as I studied ascension and the idea of matrix (the movies message), the frequency of Sofia, some ascension work and removals of programs from my auric field, I started to feel like myself again with very little push back.

What is push back?

Push back is the energy construct that arises when we are afraid to heal. Sounds bonkers, doesn't it? But it's very real. I have experienced it many times in myself and have seen it in my clients yet less so with first responders because they are trained to face difficult situations.

I found sweat lodge a good remedy to push back as it is a pure expression of energy that holds heaven and earth. As I was struggling with this pain, I found the ball of my hands, and thumb would hurt, it was a suicide implant with a despair program. Once I discovered this I have never looked back, and I have no pain. I offer SOFIA - Solutions offering faith in action as an energy modality of healing that has created a determination in me to resolve chronic pain for good. Faith in action is not passive but active.

I will stand, I will witness courage, assist to create an act of


Contact me here